
Submitted by jhwierenga on Thu, 07/26/2018 - 16:12

QO provides interesting new perspectives on cosmology, based on the ideas contained within QO physics. It accounts for many cosmological phenomena, including the total mass-energy of the universe, the expansion of space, gravitational lensing and background radiation, all without requiring dark matter, dark energy or a totally incredible initial state. It also predicts how sentient beings will experience the end of the universe, whilst postulating that the universe will continue expanding forever.

The discussion of cosmology commences with an account of how the first particles came into existence, all at once, producing the Clump. The Clump is argued to be sufficiently large, massive and differentiated to produce a universe so hot as to be opaque. It expanded and cooled, and at the moment it became transparent, it released the radiation we now call 'background radiation'. At this moment, the universe also had the lumpiness required to produce the observed concentrations of matter in galaxies.

The discussion continues with an account of cosmic expansion in which the continual addition of space quanta at galactic cores  is responsible for  galactic rotation and observed magnitude of gravitational lensing, without requiring dark matter or dark energy. It leads to the observed redshift, which is more or less uniform for statistical rather than axiomatic reasons. 

To conclude, we explore the end of the universe. We argue that it cannot contract, because space quanta do not go away. But perhaps experienced time will go ever faster, leading to an experienced, but not actual end of time. 
