About this site

This site, quantumoccam.net, is dedicated to the exploration of the consequences of the quantum occam (QO)  hypothesis: the hypothesis that the universe started off with just a 2 state quantum system and its behaviour popping out of absolute nothingness. Not a physical quantum system - who says quanta have to be physical? - but pure information. The QO hypothesis states that this single quantum system has evolved into mathematics, physical concepts, the laws of nature and physical things, solely by means of observed quantum mechanical processes. When we study present day phenomena, consideration as to how they may have evolved from absolute nothingness helps us to understand them better, much as the perception that flora and fauna have evolved from a single cell helps us to understand living things. The QO hypothesis makes sense, as the only theory of everything which is compatible with the notion that the universe has not always existed. For if the universe had a beginning, so too did mathematics and the laws of nature. It is far simpler - and therefore more convincing - to suppose that they evolved, rather than emerging in all their complexity out of absolute nothingness. And more productive too, as an exploration of this site will reveal. Happy surfing!

Why this site?

Modern science has two separate rulebooks describing how nature works. General Relativity describes the operation of gravity, and Quantum Mechanics describes how electromagnetism and the two nuclear forces work. Each of them is extremely adept at describing and predicting the phenomena with which it is concerned. However, these rulebooks are fundamentally incompatible with each other. They cannot both be true. Despite the best efforts of scientists over the past 100 years, there is no immediate prospect of this conflict being resolved. Perhaps that is because scientists ignore Einstein's adage that a problem cannot be solved by the thinking that produced it. An elaboration of General Relativity to include Quantum Mechanics, or vice versa, will not do the trick. A fresh start is required. This site presents such a start, based on the premise that the universe came into existence out of absolute nothingness and therefore must be fundamentally simple. All complexity is the result of evolution from this begin. This site shows that this premise allows us to derive both General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. It delivers, as a byproduct,  new insights into the realms of mathematics, physics, cosmology, biology and philosophy. That makes it an extraordinarily productive premise. Do you want to help explore its potential?

Points of departure

Submitted by jhwierenga on Tue, 08/21/2018 - 20:19

A universe from nothing

This site is dedicated to the proposition that the universe originated spontaneously from nothingness. Not a relative nothingness, consisting of a quantum soup plus natural law, as Lawrence Krauss suggests in his book “A Universe from Nothing”, but a nothingness devoid of matter, of space, of time, of natural law and even of mathematics. Absolute nothingness.

The universe as a quantum computer

Submitted by JH Wierenga on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 13:45
The universe is a quantum computer, in which each degree of freedom of a quantum contained in the universe corresponds to a unique register containing a single qbit. All change in the universe is the result of computations in this computer. The universe we observe is the user display of this computer, in much the same way as the screen of an ordinary computer displays information contained in it.

Key findings: cosmology

Submitted by jhwierenga on Mon, 07/30/2018 - 07:57

Before the Big Bang, there was space: Space consists of space quantum systems, which continually split, producing new space quantum systems. Real - as opposed to virtual  - particles came into existence when there were sufficient space quantum systems within a sufficiently small volume that their combined mass-energy fluctuations contained sufficient (negative) gravitational energy to counterbalance the mass-energy from these particles, so that these fluctuations persisted.

The quantum universe

Submitted by JH Wierenga on Thu, 02/14/2019 - 17:46

If the universe started with a single 2 state quantum system, and has since developed solely by means of quantum mechanical processes, it follows that everything that exists is composed solely of quantum system.

'Everything' includes concepts, not just things physical. For example, the number '1' is a quantum system.

Key findings: the core of QO

Submitted by jhwierenga on Mon, 07/30/2018 - 07:00

Genesis: The universe started when first quantum system and its behaviour popped into existence out of absolute nothingness. 

The quantum universe: The universe consists solely of quantum systems. Quantum mechanics applies equally well to information as to things, even though information of itself has no physical existence, i.e. has no spatial location. The universe is a single quantum system, consisting of a hierarchy of countless quantum systems.

Key finding: We live in a zero energy universe, thanks to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle

Submitted by JH Wierenga on Fri, 02/01/2019 - 10:38
According to  the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the energy and duration of a quantum fluctuation are related by the inequation              ∆E ∆t ≥ ħ /2   where ħ is Planck's constant divided by 2π. It follows that an energetically neutral quantum fluctuation must persist forever, even though all the quantum fluctuations we have ever observed persist for only a very short time. Therefore the universe can be created from quantum fluctuations, provided that it is energetically neutral.

Galactic rotation

Submitted by JH Wierenga on Thu, 10/04/2018 - 09:18
The speed at which stars in the spiral arms of galaxies revolve around the galactic center remains more or less constant with increasing radius because the scale factor within the galaxy is inversely proportional to the radius. This is because black holes at the centers of galaxies produce new space, which is gradually dispersed into surrounding space. Differences in the scale factor result in differences in gravitational attraction, which in turn affect orbital speeds.