Space consists of space quanta: Space, like everything in the universe, consists of quanta. Space quanta connect to neighboring space quanta, dynamically, so that space behaves as a fluid. These connections produce a vector geometry.
Space is the 3-surface of a 4-ball: Space is the result of uniform processes and hence has a more or less uniform topology. It has 3 dimensions, no boundaries, and is finite. The simplest topology which fits this bill is the 3-surface of a 4-ball.
Space generates elementary particles by means of quantum fluctuations. These tend to persist if they locally preserve the net energy, and result in a higher entropy.
Gravity is an epi-phenomenon: Gravity is the result of tensions between neighbouring space quanta. The tensions are caused by the mass attached to the space quanta. These tensions ensure that the gravitational energy of the universe always compensates for its particle energy, and that time is experienced as general relativity predicts.
Space-time is an epi-phenomenon: The invariant sum of the speed of an object through space and time is due to a resonance between space and time, it does not mean that space and time are merely two aspects of the same thing.