Gravity explained

Submitted by jhwierenga on Mon, 07/30/2018 - 07:54

Gravity is the result of tensions between neighboring space quantum systems. The tensions are caused by the gravitational separation between the space quantum and the 3-surface of space. This separation arises when mass is generated by the space quantum. These tensions ensure that the gravitational energy of the universe always compensates for its particle energy, and that time is experienced as general relativity predicts.

Phenomenon explained : "There is gravity".The acceleration due to gravity on a closed surface containing mass is constant.  The potential energy due to gravity exactly compensates particle energy. Gravity manifests itself as as distortion of space and experienced time. It behaves apparently anomalously in spiral arms of galaxies.

Note that this lemma is merely the simplest QO-compatible account of gravity, and not the only possible, nor necessarily the most credible one. For example, it should be possible to adapt Erik Verlinde's new information-based, dark matter free theory of gravity to a substrate of space quanta, thereby producing an account of gravity that scores as a 'hypothesis', making it more credible than the gap that this lemma produces.

Mass energy and gravitational potential energy are two aspects of the same thing

Either we regard the conservation of energy, and in particular the manifestation of this principle in the motion of bodies in gravitational fields, as an amazing coincidence, or we postulate a causal relationship between the existence of matter and the total negative gravitational potential energy associated with that matter. We choose the latter option. This option, however, presents some difficulties. The energy of matter is proportional to the mass, as expressed in the equation E = mc2. But the gravitational potential energy is proportional to the square of the mass, even in a universe in which all the matter is evenly distributed. How can these quantities always be equal?

Our explanation goes as follows:

  1. When mass is generated at a space quantum system, the mass energy of that mass is exactly balanced by a tension between the space quantum system and the 3-surface of space. The energy in this tension is equivalent to the work done to push the mass from the 3-surface to the space quantum system against the tension, thus maintaining energetic neutrality.
  2. Tensions between neighboring space quantum systems redistribute the tension between the surface and space quantum system, without changing the totality of it. It is as if each mass is a weight holding a rubber sheet down, but then in three dimensions. Large masses closer to a new mass increase the distance from the surface in their neighborhood, hence requiring more energy to generate the new mass. The further away a large mass is from the generated mass, the less effect it has on the space quantum to surface distance. This accounts for the inverse square attenuation of gravity, or, to be more precise, the constancy of the gravitational pressure on a closed surface which contains a given mass.
  3. The tensions between  space quantum systems define the resistance to or enhancement of motion, as described in the Einstein equations.
  4. The tension between the 3-surface and a space quantum system determines the difference between proper time and elapsed time at the space quantum.         

The above explanation results in the formulation of Einstein's formula for General Relativity, including the invariance of distance between point-events in spacetime. It differs primarily in that it is discrete rather than continuous. That means that there are limits to it, imposed by the length of the edges between neighbouring space quantum systems. Therefore, no singularities occur. 

Gravity is an emergent phenomenon

Gravity emerges from the structure of space. The underlying phenomena - space and time - are essentially different. Here we deviate explicitly from mainstream physics, which is built on the belief that invariance must have some fundamental cause. In other branches of science this belief has long been abandoned. Particularly in biology we have gone a long way in separating outward manifestations from ultimate causes. Linnaeus categorized organisms according to outward similarity, whereas we now believe that shared genes tell us more about affinity than shared appearance. Established cosmology has not made this movement. Symmetry in an equation is taken to be evidence of symmetry of causes. General relativity is based on the belief that the motional equivalence of space and time dimensions means that they are in the deepest sense the same thing. Time and space manifest themselves as having such a close affinity that time is thought to be just another dimension. This approach has fundamental problems with accounting for the arrow of time. In QO, space and time are essentially different and it is the fact that quantum potentiality involves them both which binds them and, for as far as motion is concerned, makes them equivalent. In mathematics it has long been known that concepts that are ontologically unrelated can resonate together to produce an invariance. (See Euler's jewel).

Time is slowing down

That gravitational potential energy dilates time has some profound consequences. In particular, it implies that experienced time in the embryonic universe was far faster than it is now, because there was then less mass to exert gravity on objects. Given that the experienced speed of light is constant, the absolute speed of light was far slower. There is no direct way that this can be detected, because we all observe light according to our own clocks. But it requires us to redo all our calculations of the behaviour of the embryonic universe.

That gravitational potential energy dilates time also leads to the conclusion that the universe is slowing down. As more particles are added to the universe, there will be less and less experienced time per unit of proper time. Perhaps the amount of experienced time is limited.


The above explanation posits a dimension in which a space quantum is separated from the 3-surface, which counts as a simple hypothesis, with an Occam Score of 0010. However, it is only one of many possible explanations and is therefore tentatively credible.