
temporality is the property of existing outside of quantum time. QO denies that genuine atemporality exists.

Why we reject atemporality of quanta

Submitted by jhwierenga on Mon, 07/30/2018 - 13:33

Possibly, mathematical truths and whatever else we perceive as being atemporal, are produced by natural order quanta which are themselves atemporal. 

Phenomenon explained :

"Unchanging phenomena exist".There are clearly phenomena in the universe, such as mathematical truths,  which we perceive as being atemporal, in other words not being subject to time but existing outside of it.

The QO concept of time

Submitted by jhwierenga on Mon, 07/30/2018 - 07:05

Time is the dimension along which quanta and quantum systems are subject to change. 

Phenomena explained :

Quantum time is universal. A quantum event which affects particles that are separated by spatial distance nevertheless affects them all at the same time. It is always possible to understand causal relationships between events in terms of the first event in quantum time causing the subsequent event in quantum time.