
Evil is the name we give to consciously experienced suffering, whether as a result of physical pain, emotional pain, purposeless, disorder, untruth or ugliness. In Christian doctrine, all that does not proceed from God is evil. That doesn’t mean that it is wholly wrong, but rather that is fundamentally wrong. Note that evil is not the opposite of good, but a deviation from the good.

The defeat of evil

Submitted by jhwierenga on Mon, 07/30/2018 - 09:10

The defeat of evil

Christianity maintains that a day will come in which evil will be a thing of the past, it will be completely defeated and there will be nothing but goodness left, excepting perhaps in the outer darkness. There will be nothing but good in those who are with God, and their will be nothing but good in the universe. The apostle Paul argues in Romans chapter 8 that these two things are intimately related, in the sense that the liberation of men from evil is the basis of the liberation of the universe from evil.


Submitted by jhwierenga on Thu, 07/26/2018 - 16:15

The God Hypothesis

In science, the proposition that God exists is not admissible as a premise. However, it is perfectly acceptable as a conclusion. Not only do the premises of QO lend credibility to this conclusion, they also provide new insights into the nature of God, the existence of evil, and the manner in which evil will be overcome.