
Submitted by jhwierenga on Wed, 08/01/2018 - 16:09

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Taxonomy terms

Space is a structure which is produced by space quanta, in which adjacent space quanta are connected by tensed bonds. This structure behaves as a theater in which motion can be described by 3-dimensional vectors plus experienced time.

The expansion of space occurs by means of packing more space quanta into the same volume. The scale factor within the volume increases, without there necessarily being a corresponding increase in the scale factor and hence area of the space on the perimeter of the volume. 

In QO, only quanta exist. Space, if it is anything at all, therefore consists of quanta - space quanta. The hypothesis that space consists of space quanta is the simplest explanation for the effects which are described by General Relativity.

The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory concerning the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions, as well as a semi-predictive classification all elementary particles.

Symmetry is the property of a quantum system in which a particular transformation produces no change to the system.

The origin of the universe is the process - in the sense of a sequence of cause and effect - by means of which the universe came to exist in its original state.

This sequence is not ordered in time, given that there was probably no such thing as time prior to the origin of the universe. It is rather a sequence of logical necessity.

The Trinity, in Christianity, is the name given to the Father,  the Son and the Holy Spirit, God together and God individually. 

See /explanations/the-trinity.

A 'theory of everything ' has, until QO, been understood to be a single, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe, including, in particular, an explanation for the four fundamental forces: the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, the electromagnetic force and gravity. QO expands this definition with a demand that a theory of everything should account for the following:

  • natural law, including how natural law came to exist, how natural law is able to affect the behaviour of things in the universe, and how fundamental constants gained the values we observe
  • the initial state of the universe, prior to the Big Bang (presuming this occurred), including how this state came to exist
  • why it is that our universe appears to be fine-tuned for life.

By this definition, QO is presumably the first theory of everything.

Supposing the universe to be the 3-surface of a 4-ball, then this topology dictates a curvature.

In QO, this curvature is presumed not to accelerate the motions of any particles in the way that gravity does, anymore than the curvature of the Earth accelerates motions. 

Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 - 1951) was an Austrian-British philosopher who investigated, amongst other things, the degree to which we may safely accept that words may be used in sound arguments. His initial view, as published in his book "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" in 1921, was that no guarantee was possible that the common characteristics of distinct things had any actual existence.