
Submitted by jhwierenga on Wed, 08/01/2018 - 16:09

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Taxonomy terms

A phenomenon is contingent if it is not present in all possible universes.

Mathematics is contingently true if it not true in all possible universes.

In QO, all mathematics is contingently true, because it arose by means of quantum mechanical processes.

Cosmology is the study of the origin and development of the Universe.

The cosmos is the universe, as we observe it from the earth (and therefore excluding the earth).

Dark matter is a generic term used by mainstream cosmology to denote matter which is detectable only by means of its gravitational effects.

In QO, there is no need for dark matter in order to account for observed gravitational effects.

Death is the process in which the good of a person is separated from the evil in him.

We may conclude this from the horror expressed in Genesis 3 at the prospect that the man tainted by evil would, if allowed to stay in the Garden of Eden, eat of the tree of Life and live forever. Somebody who can never die can never be freed from evil.

Those who have consistently acted to destroy the good within themselves diminish their souls. When, at death, the good in them is separated from the evil, there is very little good left. They are the diminished souls. 

Einstein wanted to know, as he put it "whether God had a choice". In other words, he wanted to know if the laws of the universe which we observe are inevitable. To answer this question, it is insufficient to know what the laws of the universe are, we must also know why they are as they are. Mainstream science has never got any further than the 'what'. QO concerns itself with the 'why'. 

Elementary particles are particles which cannot be further decomposed into still smaller particles. Examples are electrons, photons and quarks.

An emergent phenomenon is a phenomenon which has no independent existence as natural order quanta, but emerges out of other natural order quanta. Gravity is such an emergent phenomenon.

Entanglement is the property of separate phenomena sharing a common origin, in which one or more undetermined states are shared by the phenomena, so that determination of this state for one of the phenomena instantly results in a corresponding determination of that state for the other phenomenon. For example, if the charge of a pair of entangled particles is undetermined, then if one particle is determined to have a positive charge, the other will have a negative charge.

Entanglement is a natural consequence of quantum systems containing the same information only once.

 Erik Verlinde (1962 - ) is a Dutch theoretical physicist. He is currently Professor at the University of Amsterdam.

In 2016 Verlinde unveiled a new theory of gravitation [Erik Verlinde, Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe,]. Like QO, this theory does not need dark matter in order to account for the rotational speeds of stars around the centers of spiral arm galaxies. Like QO, this theory predicts that the ratio of experienced time versus quantum time is dependent on the age of the universe. Like QO, it treats gravity as an emergent phenomenon.

Eternal life, in Christian theology, is the state of the combination of a soul, its expression in a body, and the associated consciousness in a mind, of continuing forever in quantum time.  

Euler's jewel is the equation eiπ + 1 = 0. It combines the fundamental constants of arithmetic with the fundamental operations of arithmetic in a single formula.

Evil is the name we give to consciously experienced suffering, whether as a result of physical pain, emotional pain, purposeless, disorder, untruth or ugliness. In Christian doctrine, all that does not proceed from God is evil. That doesn’t mean that it is wholly wrong, but rather that is fundamentally wrong. Note that evil is not the opposite of good, but a deviation from the good.

Evolution is an explanation for the diversity of life which attributes biodiversity to change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. Typically, this change is caused by processes which give rise to mutations in these characteristics, accompanied by processes in which the fittest get to reproduce.

In QO, evolution is driven not only by the survival of the fittest, but also by the arrival of the fittest.

Experienced time is time as undergone by an object.

In experienced time, the speed of light is constant.

In QO, experienced time is an emergent phenomenon.