The QO interpretation

Submitted by jhwierenga on Mon, 07/30/2018 - 07:22

All behaviour in the universe is the consequence of  everything being part of the same quantum system, in which the same information is stored only once. The fact that a quantum subsystem distributes its energy  over its degrees of freedom makes it possible for one quantum subsystem to manipulate another quantum subsystem in a manner which can be described as purposeful. 

Phenomenon explained : "How quantum systems behave". Quantum systems obey some very specific rules. Quantum systems resonate. They distribute their energy evenly over their degrees of freedom.  When the quantum system encounters another quantum system, the result is a new quantum system in which the degrees of freedom may be allocated differently. The whole is different to the sum of its parts. This is particularly the case when one system 'measures' the other by restricting the degrees of freedom of some quantum or quanta in it.

QM is logical

There are many interpretations of Quantum Mechanics. Most of them involve, implicitly if not explicitly, the notion that Quantum Mechanics is absurd. As a result, the impact of Quantum Mechanical processes is downplayed as much as possible. QO is based on the position that one must regard Quantum Mechanics as normal in order to interpret it correctly. QO regards Quantum Mechanics as being supremely logical. It is what you would have invented, if given the task of creating a universe from nothing.

QM applies at all levels

Before we commence,  it is important to defuse the notion that quantum mechanics is relevant only at the level of the very small, and cannot possibly have effects discernible at a macrosopic level. That is like arguing that because water waves are the result of water molecules bumping into each other, they cannot possibly be much bigger than individual water molecules. A quantum system of any size can resonate,  producing quantum effects at the same scale.

QM results in a zero energy universe 

According to  the uncertainty principle, the energy and duration of a quantum fluctuation are related by the relation

where  hbar is a Plank's constant divided by 2 pi.

It follows that an energetically neutral quantum fluctuation will persist forever, and any other quantum fluctuation will persist for only a very short time. Therefore the only way that a universe can be created from quantum fluctuations is for it to be energetically neutral.

The QO interpretation

In the QO interpretation, interactions between distinct quantum systems are by definition interactions within the wave function of a quantum system of which they are both part. For example, what we perceive as two elementary particles bumping into each other is, may be understood at a deeper level as an interaction pattern in the quantum system with which they are both entangled. 

When two quantum systems interact, the result is a new quantum system. It is no longer valid to consider the original systems separately, because this new system is not just the sum of the two original systems. In principle, the new system can exist in each combination of configurations that the original systems had, plus some that are possible only because of the interaction. The new system has as many degrees of freedom as the sum of the degrees of freedom of the two original systems, which makes the variation that it can exhibit greater than the sum of the variations which they could. In other words, the whole is more than the sum of the parts.

When we make a measurement, the quantum system of which we and our measurement apparatus are a part interacts with the quantum system that we measure. If the nature of our act of measurement is to determine whether, in one of the degrees of freedom of the measured system, a parameter did or did not satisfy a particular condition,  then the variation of that parameter will be restricted. But at the same time, the variation within other degrees of freedom will increase. In first instance, the variation of the complementary property of the same particle will be affected, but subsequently the quantum system will tend to a state in which the variation for all of its degrees of freedom are in balance. 


One of the key problems of most interpretations is their supposition that a quantum system, when measured, somehow “chooses” a particular state to take on. This is a problem for two reasons. Firstly, it is not clear as to what constitutes a measurement. Secondly, it is not clear as to how a quantum system can make a choice. In this lemma, we postulate that measurement consists of a confrontation of the quantum system with what we term a “purpose”. Whatever induces a measurement constitutes a purpose. This may affect a quantum system by any of the following means:

  1. Fixed eigenstate: The most simple way in which a purpose can affect a quantum system is to confront it with a fixed eigenstate. For example, a polarizing lens confronts incoming light with an eigenstate in such a way that only light which is polarised in conformance with the lens is let through. This type of measurement induces an arbitrary collapse of the wave function to match the eigenstate. 
  2. Quantum zeno: A second way in which a purpose can affect a quantum system is to effectively freeze it in a particular state by means of repeated confrontations with the same eigenstate. This is predicted by standard quantum mechanics and has been experimentally observed. It is known as the quantum Zeno effect.
  3. Progressive quantum zeno: A third way in which a purpose can affect a quantum system is to pull it from one state to an arbitrary other state by means of repeated confrontations with a varying eigenstate. This too is predicted by quantum mechanics and can be observed experimentally. It could be termed the progressive quantum Zeno effect.
  4. Natural purposeA fourth way, predicted by Mc Fadden and others, is that it can attach itself to the quantum system in such a way that it only measures the system when it resonates in a particular way, as defined by the purpose. Until such time, all possibilities exist as superpositions of the system. The quantum system behaves as a quantum computer, in which large numbers of combinations are tried out at the same time, but only those results for which the system resonates result in a positive measurement.  If there is a negative message, the system is allowed to decohere, after which a new measurement is made, and so on until there is a positive measurement. McFadden suggests that the origin of life may have been due to a quantum effect of this nature. QO applies natural purpose as an explanation for why we live in a universe which makes life possible: all possible universes existed as a superposition of a subset of waves, and only ours could affect the waves around them and become real. This is the QO multiverse explanation.


The first three means have been observed, and have absolute Occam scores of 0000. They are foundationally credible. 

Natural purpose has not been conclusively demonstrated as such, but it is a logical consequence of quantum mechanics. That makes it a simple hypothesis, with an Occam Score of 0010. Any other explanation as to why the universe is fine-tuned for life must of necessity be more complicated, requiring at least an as yet unknown mechanism to generate variety in natural law and therefore resulting in at minimum a complex gap, with an Occam Score of at least 3300, more than two notches higher. Therefore the natural purpose explanation is foundationally credible.