Time is the dimension along which quanta and quantum systems are subject to change.
Phenomena explained : Quantum time is universal. A quantum event which affects particles that are separated by spatial distance nevertheless affects them all at the same time. It is always possible to understand causal relationships between events in terms of the first event in quantum time causing the subsequent event in quantum time. Time has a direction: We experience time as a continuous and scalar scale, in which we can only move forward. Experienced time obeys GR: The Einstein equations adequately describe how experienced time dilates with respect to 'proper' time. Natural law and mathematics do not change. In other words, there appear to be phenomena that exist independent of time. |
In QO, time is the dimension in which quanta are subject to change, just as the succession of clock ticks of a computer form the dimension in which its registers are subject to change.
The QO view of time accounts for the arrow of time. We experience time only in the forward dimension, despite the equations of physics having no preference for time running forward or backward. The mere fact that the arrow of time is not successfully accounted for by mainstream science should make us suspicious of its view of time.
When a quantum or a quantum system undergoes what is termed 'a collapse of the wave function' all of the locations at which it its wave function has a non-zero value are affected at the same instant of time. Quantum time is universal. This is a natural consequence of the QO 'clock tick' concept.
In QO, experienced time is not to be confused with quantum time. Experienced time is not a fundamental property of quanta, but a derived property of objects as observed within some frame of reference. By extension, the experienced speed of light is not a fundamental property of light, but the result of a natural law in which quantum time, space and energy resonate to give the experienced speed of light a constant value.
In QO, time exists independently of space, applying equally well to quanta that are in space, those that are space, and those, such as natural law, which exist independently of space. Quanta that do not change in practice are nevertheless liable to change in principle. They tick over with the same frequency as other quanta. The other option, namely that these quanta are outside of time, has a higher Occam score. Whether we like it or not, all that is, is in time.
Truly, we are the children of time.
Credibility analysis This explanation requires the QO-hypothesis to be true, and therefore cannot be more credible than this hypothesis. However, the explanation is not as credible as QO, because we have not demonstrated that it is the only explanation for time which is consistent with the QO-hypothesis. Maybe there are other explanations which we incapable of formulating. It is possible that we have used the metaphor of the computer clock just as previous generations of physicists used the steam engine, and our explanation says more about us than the universe. Accordingly, our explanation must be regarded as being tentatively credible. Note that General Relativity has no explanation for the phenomena, except that which concerns experienced time. It leads us to conclude that time does not have a preferred direction, and it has no explanation at all for the universality of quantum time. |